Mystic Poetry Part I
Iona Miller's Mystic Poetry
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Author, Iona Miller
Archive Links 2009
by Iona Miller, c2000
Part 1
SHAFT OF LIGHT, 1-19-2000
VIA AMORIS, 1-21-2000
GARDEN OF CALM, 1-23-2000
A LEAP IN THE DARK, 2-2-2000
FIAT LUX, 2-5-2000
KNOW THYSELF, 2-6-2000

James Eastman and Iona Miller, c 1999
Show me your mysteries, I'll show you mine,
As we embark outside this space and time.
Clasping hands we'll join the dance divine,
Flowing gently toward eternal rhyme.
Tell me your fantasies, I'll tell you mine,
Show me your ecstasies that flow as wine.
Together we'll reach the highest peak sublime,
Drinking deeply from the spring of time.
Try as we might...
So many chambers in which to dwell.
To reach the heights...
From the bottom of a wishing well.
With second sight...
How we ascend only time will tell.
To the temple of living Light...
Far beyond heaven and hell.
Bare your heart to me, I'll give you mine,
Though all alone we might be flying blind.
Through embrace, fire and ice entwine,
Surging and merging as the ocean tide.

Piercing the Sphere of the Moon, or
by Iona Miller, c2000
Now we've passed all the portals,
Come to the house of Immortals.
The sky becomes one with it clouds,
All of our visions allowed.
We hold the Sun and Moon as our witness;
Love alone, the test of our fitness.
I nakedly desired you before the world began.
Now and then I desired you again and again.
A vein of sapphires, a heart of ruby,
Eyes so radiant, I loved you truly.
My body and soul became your mirror,
And you became even dearer.
Every pore of my body is drenched in bliss,
Recalling the flame of your saffron kiss.
Within our bodies are fragrant gardens,
Where selfless love bears effortless fruit.
Our souls whirled in ecstatic certainty,
And all we were doing was breathing eternity.
You are the moon and I am its phases;
Echoes alone are left of our traces.

(A Near-Life Experience)
by Iona Miller, c2000
The drum of breath is beating;
Consciousness retreating.
Soul befuddled by mighty illusions,
Traversing bridges of delusions.
Restless trepidation - frustration,
False hopes and expectations.
Ride a long distance on destiny's wings;
Hear the luminous voice of a Nature that sings.
Light finds its own abode [in the place that time forgot];
Only obeying an unknown code [dissolving slowly into Naught].
One glance completely resplendent,
Then plunged into darkness, restless--impatient.
Take recourse to other means and depart;
Kindle the flame of yearning in your heart.
Follow your heart beyond your dreams,
By avoiding all wild extremes. [Even then do not awake!]
Find that fullness pushing us out of existence,
Into pleromas of radiant emptiness.
Quicker than the speed of light,
A wisp of gold in the velvet night.
Eden lies in the future as well as the past.
With each new morning the die is cast.
Darkness has gone now as morning comes calling.
Through the pleasure of waking and the pain of falling.
The stream of love and devotion flows without failing,
Luminous, soul, mind and spirit -- all peacefully sailing.
We are riders at dawn in a chariot of echoes,
To the other side of Light and Let Goes.
Iona Miller, c2000
The Sun of the One I love
Has risen in the night.
Embodying emanations
Of liquified delight.
I am drenched in devotions
Waves, streams, and oceans.
Twin serpents form a healing force
Burning desire permits no recourse.
Entering a deeper rapture
Unborn form is all we capture.
Such an embrace is magnetically compelling;
We dissolve in bliss unending.
Something precious has taken place,
It's written in pearls all over my face.
Liberated, our being sinks in surrender,
No One is left to be a defender.
Love like this makes meaning possible;
Nature herself provides wand and vessel.
Infinite power of expression with might,
Flies without wings on the blackness of night.
Sun and Moon die in the bath of Immortality
For the birth of the power of true Reality.
Our bodies become a jewelled irridescence;
We've captured the Stone, made the Quintessece.
Renewal of Spirit defies all description,
Nature herself suspends her encryption.
Vision becomes a way of seeing and knowing.
The gift of comprehension--infinity glowing.
Caught in the flux of secret inpouring
Seeds of rejuvination gently imploring.
No force could deny such holy transgression.
We surrender to this loving possession.
Soul and Spirit joined in magnanamous pleasure,
Our hearts entwined forever and ever.

Iona Miller, c2000
I've given up silks and fine array.
Clothed only in you, Beloved, found another Way.
A penetrating shaft of Light, a ray of bliss,
A touch, a kiss; what infinite joy is this!
Wrought neither of fire nor of foam
Our candle dance forms a lyrical poem.
All night long teaching love tricks to the moon,
We've ridden from Not-being, to Being in tune.
[Chorus 1]
Shoreless space holds ten thousand moon and skies
On wings of building desires, swiftly love flies.
Raining opalescent pearls without any clouds,
Beyond the intensity mere passion enshrouds.
We linger awhile on the lip of oblivion,
Before taking the plunge, diving deeply therein.
We've learned the Curtain's sacred mystical secret.
Now purified hearts yearn only to keep it.
A living fountain emanating colors of the soul.
We are mingled in moist ecstasy beyond all control.
Love's sea bursts when the sky is torn away.
For Truth, I gave my life to bring you peace today.
The Essence of Experience
Iona Miller, c2000
The hold of passion,
Snare of the soul.
In the alchemy of suffering,
The crucible of compassion.
Flowing like living gold,
The body speaks to the soul.
Its offering in silence is told
Through the eyes of eternity.
The round of existence,
The Chain of Transmission,
Belief in the Unseen,
Live the Via Amoris.
The living magic of its message:
"Nothing real is lost."
The essence of experience:
"We can never count the cost."
Speaking in riddles,
Like the languid Delphic Sibyl,
With soul-reviving fervor
The message is delivered:
"Perceive and express the Truth,
Extract the heinous poison,
Partake of life's perfection,
Fulfill your expectations."
Consummation of desire,
Leaping from beginning to conclusion.
Clearly living through illusion,
Extracting meaning from confusion.
"Thoughts are things,"
The primal lesson rings.
One at a time, they communicate,
An ancient gnosis elucidate.
Sensuous nature, so deeply sublime,
Both verifies and falsifies.
While we brood on our alibies,
Reflectively seeking justification.
Renewed attempt, deeply gazing,
With a clear eye saw unheard of things.
Single Eye, radiantly blazing.
The Crown of Life relieves all stings.
Sunk in objectless contemplation,
Closing the doors of the senses,
Beyond swelling elation,
Merging all of time's tenses.
Detachment from place and conditions,
Only fusion dispels illusions.
In the abyss of divine Light,
Breathless, mindless, pure delight.

Iona Miller, c2000
In the silence, a garden of calm,
Engenders the perfume of a healing balm.
A blessed memory of a wild nature,
Full of life and hard to capture.
An untouched lily full of dew,
A greater yearning never knew.
Virtue is a thousand shields,
But cannot keep the plow from fields.
To taste divine Felicity,
Yield to fervent electricity.
Glowing with a fragrant air
Hiding not from love's sweet stare.
Endurance is a mighty charm
Borne heavenward by golden arms.
Mounting before the celestial throne,
The soul, a dark and narrow dungeon
Where my buried treasure lay,
Ravished purity, formless, dross stripped away.
On the very altar, a light without fire
Kindled by a madness beyond all desire.
Quintessence, the elixer of Sages,
Contains the Essence of the Ages.
This Truth hides, in fact, a garden of pleasure,
By whatever means we may choose to measure.
Nothing is beyond our reach.
Even things that injure surely teach.
Nothing is beautiful but the True,
Which lifts our hearts and makes all new.
In the Book of Life every chapter,
Leads toward a higher rapture.
The language of truth is simple:
The rewards of love are more than ample.
Truth is called the daughter of time,
That to which we all incline.
Truth is near and yet we seek it far away,
Forgetting it is always only today.
The questions drop from a life devoted,
Answered before they are even noted.
The whole of life one continuous prayer;
Creating as natural as breathing air.
From the garden of calm to being ravished,
Sweet love upon me has been lavished.
Iona Miller, c2000
The pathway of love is the ordeal of fire.
Two spirits lightly strive together,
To take one another's fullest measure.
And capture love's sweetest treasure.
Playing a tune on the fleshly lyre,
Hypnotic rapture takes us ever higher.
The light within our souls, brighter than the Sun.
Seized with aching discontent until the dance is done.
Stung by desire, isolation breached, seized by holy ecstasy,
Delicious link that unites the lover with me.
Locked hopefully in actionless action,
Surrendered to the pull of primal seduction.
Lightning flash and limitless grace,Zeal grows in the heart until our passions dissipate.
We receive the divine kiss in the closest embrace,
Rising above human senses, in love we do penance.
All earthly pleasures fade into nothingness,
Plunged into the unity of the motionless Presence.